Went here with major shoulder injury. Destruction of labrum, Hill Sachs, Bankhart lesion, muscle avulsion off the scapula. A total mess. As a side note, I am a Chiropractor and I am aware of this terminology and what it entails. First I was left with my shirt off for 1 hour and 15 minutes in the consult room. The nurse came in three times to apologize. Oh yeah, my temperature was 103 degrees in one ear and 98.9 in the other. Not the doctors fault unless she is making faulty equipment available to the staff. When she finally came in, she asked what brought me in. I asked if she saw the MRI report or the 200+ hospital questionnaire that I filled out. She had not. She likes to talk to patient. Why did I fill all this out, and it was a lot. She did not look at my MRI report for more than 6 seconds and never scrolled through the MRI disc that was on the computer screen. To me, I have little confidence in her evaluation of me. This is not saying that she may be the smartest orthopedist out there, she just did not take any time to display that with me. We left things with her asking for another MRI at her hospital to evaluate for osteoarthritis. 1. the previous MRI picked up absolutely no osteoarthritis, at the most it could not be an issue 2. That is not what I was there for. I was there for a destroyed shoulder. She told me to do physical therapy to increase ROM and go back to work. I was happy with that diagnosis. No surgery is necessary at this time(based on her 6 second review of my MRI). This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Now I feel like I did more harm than good. My second opinion is in complete disagreement due to the instability and destruction of the glenoid(which she corrected my pronunciation) labrum. And this was told by evaluating the MRI.
Like I said, she may be brilliant, she just did not take the time to show that attribute to me. I was left with a bad taste in my mouth and this was the Hospital for Special Surgery. Best in the country.