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Dr. Barbara A. Palmer, MD

Overall Rating 4
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230 E Ridgewood Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.9566201°
Longitude: -74.0628798°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-967-4000

Map of the Dr. Barbara A. Palmer, MD in Paramus City

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Reviews to Dr. Barbara A. Palmer, MD

Reviewed November 30, 2014 17:27
Review rating 4
- Very Good #53563
At the beginning she was very mean to me and wanted to hold me in Bergen Regional Medical Center, block G against my own will, which I did not like at all. She told me, "No, but I do think you need to stay." Which made absolutely no sense to me, it's as if she didn't give me my own choice, it's my body, my life, I am FREE to leave whenever I WANT and NEED to leave, you CAN NOT HOLD A HUMAN BEING THERE AGAINST THEIR OWN WILL. There was absolutely nothing that I could do. A girl that was there told me that the reason they keep people there for two weeks is because they want more money, which in my humble opinion is VERY GREEDY for Psychiatrists to do, taking a person's time and life away from them and using them as experiments, taking note of which drug works best for the patient. That is NOT right. I AM NOT an experiment, a lab rat, or a guinea pig. My medication was changed 4-5 times now and Psychiatrists constantly change it to see what works best for me. The Psychiatrists there want me to take medication for my hyperactivity which to me is absolutely nothing wrong at alll. The medication prevents me from being happy. The medications that I have been prescribed were Risperidone (Risperdal), Benzatropine (Cogentin), Lithium Bicarbonate, and others that I can not think of off the top of my head.
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