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Dr. Azher Siddiqi

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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1147 Richmond Rd, Staten Island, NY 10304, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.5985071°
Longitude: -74.0923149°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-668-2340

Map of the Dr. Azher Siddiqi in Staten Island City

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Reviews to Dr. Azher Siddiqi

Reviewed March 24, 2015 23:53
Review rating 5
- Excellent #7879
I am a Viet Nam veteran who had had head trauma in combat that left me with seizure disorders and chronic pain. I have seen dozens of doctors for my various conditions and it's Dr. Sidiqqi who supplied me with the best care I received in 45 years. I travel 175 miles monthly because I will not give his services up. He is a once in a lifetime doctor. Today, how hard is it to find a caring professional provider? Well, it's Dr. Sidiqqi. Look no further--Joe O from the Catskill Mountains
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