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Dr. April C. Lee, MD

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
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242 Mason Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.5859742°
Longitude: -74.0854065°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-226-9000
Official website

Map of the Dr. April C. Lee, MD in Staten Island City

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Reviews to Dr. April C. Lee, MD

Reviewed October 30, 2014 09:14
Review rating 2
- Poor #8564
I've been at this pediatrics center for almost all of my life and every single appointment, I didn't grow too fond of it. I'm 18 years old currently. Usually I would have to wait a great amount of time just to get a simple check up and this frustrated me so. While I usually expect to wait at max 30 minutes tops to see a doctor; instead I would have to wait an hour, 2 hours, or even MORE than that. It seems like this place is really understaffed.

With meeting the doctor herself; April Lee does help to a certain extent but I feel like she fails to relate to the patients on an emotional level. This comes off as really shallow to me and unprofessional. I will not be going to this pediatric center again.
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