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Dr. Aleksandr Soyfer, DDS

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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115 Brightwater Ct, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.575735°
Longitude: -73.965928°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 917-834-3998

Map of the Dr. Aleksandr Soyfer, DDS in Kings County City

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Reviews to Dr. Aleksandr Soyfer, DDS

Reviewed November 11, 2014 20:04
Review rating 1
- Terrible #171060
I never ever write reviews of anything, so please read this.
I have never actually gotten to seeing the doctor. I called today to schedule an appointment for someone who was in pain and explained to the receptionist that the patient to be doesnt have dental insurance. To which receptionist replies: "why do you think i care for your personal problems." I thought i dialed a wrong number and asked again if it was a dental office. She confirmed. I asked her what right does she think she has to talk to people like that. Hold for her response: BECAUSE I AM THE DOCTOR"S WIFE! my friend never saw the doctor because she refused to be part of the office where stuff talks like that. I dont have anything to say about the dentist- but the fact that his wife/receptionist does that is beyong my understanding.
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