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Digby Management Co

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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59 E 54th St #51, New York, NY 10022, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7601262°
Longitude: -73.9729469°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-755-3063

Map of the Digby Management Co in New York City

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Reviews to Digby Management Co

Reviewed March 4, 2010 17:04
Review rating 1
- Terrible #166661
Here is a list of everything these guys did wrong. Do not rent from them. They overcharge and under deliver.

1) Gave initial low rents and increased every few month. My rent went from 2300 to 2750 in 3 yrs.
2) the market equivalent was 2100 as it was how much the lower floor was rented when I left
3) they pick up the garbage once a week at best resulting in mice, rats, and cockroaches everywhere. I had to fumigate twice
4) my apartment was broken into, and it took them 2 wks to replace the completely destroyed door. 1 year later, the door remains unpainted. We also had to argue with them for 4 wks for them to put an extra lock. they wanted us to pay.
5) the roof leaked and damaged the TV under it, it took them 3 wks to fix it
6) any leak, fix, or repair took at least 1 wk.
7) the super was rude and incosiderate
8) they stole my deposit even though the apartment was returned in broom clean condition.

Do not rent from them.
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