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Dental Health Associates: Cochrane Renee DDS

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 1
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2 Washington Ave # 1, Irvington, NJ 07111, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7260326°
Longitude: -74.2265125°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-372-2310
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Map of the Dental Health Associates: Cochrane Renee DDS in Irvington City

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Reviews to Dental Health Associates: Cochrane Renee DDS

Reviewed November 11, 2013 19:22
Review rating 3
- Average #76458
I only enjoyed my first visit because of Dr. Matt Herbst whom offered his professional opinion regarding my teeth HOWEVER the referring dentist Cochrane Renee DDS was as confusing as her name. Her attitude was VERY condescending and her approach was insensitive and unprofessional. Due to the insurance plan I was BLESSED to have which draws rather socially inept individuals (I hate to say it but it’s TRUE) I was profiled according to my social surroundings although I am a hard working individual that PAYS for my insurance, whereas the later was not perceived, but hey that’s the problem with profiling – just a pretty word for stereotyped. The visit was educational thanks to Dr. Matt yet troubling NO thanks to Cochrane Renee DDS.
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