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Clinton Veterinary Center

Overall Rating 4.6
Total votes: 37
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357 W 52nd St, New York, NY 10019, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7644431°
Longitude: -73.9870978°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-333-5548

Map of the Clinton Veterinary Center in New York City

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Reviews to Clinton Veterinary Center

Reviewed August 15, 2016 00:46
Review rating 5
- Excellent #147896
Dr. Fisch is a caring physician.
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Reviewed September 12, 2015 12:57
Review rating 5
- Excellent #147897
Great vet! The whole staff is fantastic and friendly. The doc has a great sense of humour (very dry) and knows how to put both the owner and the pet at ease.
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Reviewed June 9, 2014 21:06
Review rating 5
- Excellent #147898
My daughter and I are grateful that we met Dr. Fish and his staff. The love of our lives, our cat, was very sick and was not properly diagnosed/treated by another vet and we were very upset because something was wrong and we were desperate to get her help. Dr. Fish immediately diagnosed her and found out what was wrong before doing any tests. After the tests results came back, Dr. Fish was right on with his findings. Dr. Fish is very experienced, knowledgeable, kind and intuitive. He explains your options very clearly. You can call him any day and he is always available to talk to. Needless to say, finding people like him in New York City is a true miracle. We highly recommend him.
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