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Classic Conservatories

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
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1767 US-22, Union, NJ 07083, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6963422°
Longitude: -74.2565045°

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Reviews to Classic Conservatories

Reviewed June 20, 2014 16:15
Review rating 2
- Poor #21375
Installed mine in 2006. If I could start over I would have built a traditional wood sunroom for less money and have a more energy efficient room.
1. The poly-carbonate honeycombed roof doesn't work well in summer.
2. The french doors need constant adjusting and just recently the dead bolt lock failed.
3. The gutter system is plastic and detached from roof brackets during winter ice conditions.
4. The 10 years warranty was not honored because they (Classic Conservatories) went out of business or filed bankruptcy and refused to honor it any longer when I called.

Think hard before install this vinyl conservatory. It won't save you any money.
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