First let me start by saying this is a buyer's market as well as a sellers market. I understand the seller needs to make as much as they can but I don't understand why the agents have to go so high on the price to sell a house which clearly needs work. Don't they have any type of consideration for the buyers. A house listed for $475K in Queens Village can seller for anywhere between $375-425K depending on the condition. They are asking for $450. WOW. Me and my wife saw the house and liked the location. We just had twin boys so we need a bigger place so we were willing to pay for convenience and location. I put in a offer for $400 then got counter for $450. So i decided to go for $450. Then I'm being told by the agent (Lisa) that they don't want to use CHASE BANK as the load provider. RED FLAG! The are afraid of CHASE rejecting the offer because it was way too high in price or chase inspector will find something wrong with the house. I am completely dis-satisfy with my this agent and her company. I think they are all out full of S***. Anyone who is working with these people please be careful. They will dry your bank account and make you pay are a large monthly payment.