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Centers Urgent Care

Overall Rating 3.2
Total votes: 44
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61-22 Fresh Pond Rd, Queens, NY 11379, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7136036°
Longitude: -73.9014488°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-502-3000

Map of the Centers Urgent Care in Queens City

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Reviews to Centers Urgent Care

Reviewed August 30, 2016 17:10
Review rating 1
- Terrible #210539
I was involved in a mva 2 weeks ago. Long story short, i was given a piece of paper to make an appointmnet for an mri, only location i have ever visited where a call wasnt made to make the appointment or at least have had someone make the call and allow me to speak to them...lazyness

I go for my MR, fine, the problem really becomes beyond laziness and shows how little your staff cares about its patients that i was never provided another date/time for my results, ONE ENTIRE WEEK passes by, pain still as bad as day 1 and yet all i am told over the phone is that no one attempted to call me for my results. REALLY!! I CALLED YOU TO GET RESULTS AND I AM TOLD THAT NO ONE CALLED ME....I OBVIOSULY KNEW THAT.

I will do what i can with insurance to see if this visit gets refunded because not only is your staff incredibly lazy but i was told muscle relaxers were going to the cvs i designated and when i called back some lazy staff member states that i was mistaken, that i can just take ibuprofen. Since when is ibuprofen and muscle relaxers the same?!
Simply pathetic. Go to Gohealth instead!
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Reviewed November 11, 2015 17:51
Review rating 5
- Excellent #210540
I needed immediate care for a medical emergency and the doctor and the nurses or technicians were most helpful and professional.
My condition did not improve as I expected (beyond their control) so I have gone in for a follow up and I had the same positive experience the second time.
Good to know there is a trusted place I can go to should I need it again.
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