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Care One At Creskill

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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221 County Rd, Cresskill, NJ 07626, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.9420039°
Longitude: -73.9578956°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-567-9310

Map of the Care One At Creskill in Cresskill City

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Reviews to Care One At Creskill

Reviewed January 13, 2015 14:35
Review rating 1
- Terrible #70375
DO NOT SEND YOUR LOVED ONE TO THIS HORRIFIC PLACE!!! Being a nurse Ive encountered many different kinds of people, especially in the medical field but the experience Ive had, this has to be the worst set of nurses and supposed "care givers" I have ever come across. The worst thing that someone can do is get into that field just to have a "job" because if you dont want to natually care for people and try to help them than you should not work in this line of work! Literally EVERY nurse, aid, pretty much all the employees were more concerned with sitting on their asses on their phones checking Facebook instead of taking care of patients! They are by far the laziest, disgustingly unprofessional, completely flat out incompetant! I watched 5 employees take 20 mins to go check on a patient that rang or assistance! They were actually just sitting there laughing and talking and were fully aware that there was someone in need. And the only reason they even got up is because I couldnt stay quiet and watch that happen anymore! There are patients that could die in that amount of time because of their conditions. My next call is to the Board of Health and whoever is at the very top because this cannot go on! Somebody is going to end up losing their life because these people who CHOSE to take this kind of job, just didnt feel like getting up right then! The way yhat this facility is being ran is nothing short of appalling!
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