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Call Ahead Vet

Overall Rating 4.7
Total votes: 5
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654 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.662447°
Longitude: -73.992548°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-788-2983

Map of the Call Ahead Vet in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Call Ahead Vet

Reviewed March 23, 2015 02:39
Review rating 5
- Excellent #20716
After trying a few other vets in the area my opinion is that you should bother going anywhere else. Period.

Dr Novick is very competent and patient. He has the heart of a teacher and explained in detail our Dog's situation.

Where other vets in the area had advised on a much more extensive, expensive and risky procedure, he did solve the situation without putting our dog's health at risk. He also showed us what to do in the future in order to prevent the issue form happening again. I cannot be more pleased with his services and will go back to him without thinking twice.

If you absolutely need to have the fancy office and the frills, this is not the place. But don't judge a book from its cover: if you want a reliable professional that does not charge you the moon and is very straightforward, do not bother calling anyone else.
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Reviewed March 29, 2014 18:32
Review rating 5
- Excellent #20717
I can see why some of the Yelp ratings were hesitant about this clinic because it is a real hole in the wall. However once the vet came out and started working on my cat I instantly relaxed and just felt so grateful that he had been able to agree to take us on short notice. He was not only completely professional, but you can see that he has a genuine love for the animals that he sees. Everything was done by hand, instead of a computer, but it moved faster that way and I can see that he keeps all of his paperwork in order. He treated my cat, issued me medication with a demonstrative instruction on how to adminster it, warnings to follow, and even through in a second smaller dose of ear mite treatment for my dog so that they wouldn't spread ear mites between each other. He was amazing and at a fraction of the cost other clinics were attempting to charge me. I think I've found my cat a regular vet finally!
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Reviewed July 9, 2013 03:08
Review rating 5
- Excellent #20718
I noticed my poor cat constantly in the squatting in his litter box and trying to urinate tonight. Even though it was 9:30 p.m., I called Call Ahead Veterinary and spoke directly with Dr. Novick. He said to come right on over. I brought both cats with me since the other one was due for his annual checkup.

Dr. Novick saw the two cats promptly with no waiting. For the cat with the urinary problems, he diagnosed it quickly and gave meds. The other cat received an exam and was fine.

I am giving this clinic an excellent review because of the circumstances (emergency visit) and because I liked how there was no nonsense with time wasting gate keepers/receptionists/vet techs.

Also, an important consideration for a lot of people out there -- Dr. Novick was very budget friendly. I thought I'd be eating cat food alongside my cats for the next month but his services were very reasonable. All around, a very good experience and my cats now have a new vet.
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