This store has some great specialty items. However, the store does not stand by the quality of its produce. Yesterday I bought some cherries, and when I got them home I saw the surface was rough and the taste was poor. When I tried to return them the older female cashier said the customer must "touchy-touchy" the vegetables before buying them to ensure they are good quality, and said I could not return them. She also said that customers might buy produce one day and return the next, and she has no idea what they did to the items in the meantime. (Apparently she thinks Astoria residents are mistreating their veggies in ways my innocent mind cannot comprehend -- and then returning them.)
This extremely poor customer service is a huge disappointment in a store that I thought was great up until this point. California Farmers market does not stand by the qualify of their food. Their policy is customers should grope their veggies before purchasing -- or the bad sale in their fault. Gross!