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Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
Mark as been there

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15 Charles St # 1, Westwood, NJ 07675, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.9816734°
Longitude: -74.0165879°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-666-5450
Official website

Map of the Beatlefest in Westwood City

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Reviews to Beatlefest

Reviewed December 10, 2015 19:55
Review rating 2
- Poor #102017
Beatlefest is now officially known as The Fest For Beatles Fans. Fest is the same year ... after year ... after year. Promoter Mark Lapido$ has little incentive to improve it. He could get better guests but that costs money. I hope the New York Metro Fest stays in North Jersey, where it belongs. Fest improved a lot when Lapido$ stopped hiring Martin Lewis as a host. Lewis is a lying, egotistical blabbermouth. He had delusions that people came to Fest to hear his weak attempts at humor and political opinions.
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