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Barnes-Sorrentino Funeral Home

Overall Rating 4
Total votes: 4
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539 Hempstead Ave, West Hempstead, NY 11552, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6953199°
Longitude: -73.6553741°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-481-8870

Map of the Barnes-Sorrentino Funeral Home in West Hempstead City

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Reviews to Barnes-Sorrentino Funeral Home

Reviewed February 20, 2016 07:36
Review rating 5
- Excellent #100389
Too many family members have passed in the last few years. Thankfully the friends at Barnes-Sorrentino have been wonderful to us even though we were difficult at times.
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Reviewed April 1, 2013 00:39
Review rating 5
- Excellent #100390
We used Barnes-Sorrebtino for a family members funeral. We found them through the NY/LI Funeral Consumer Alliance. We were completely satisfied with the service. Everything we asked, and all on short notice, was accommodated. We felt grateful to work with these professionals during what was a difficult time. We would definitely recommend them.
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Reviewed March 17, 2011 15:36
Review rating 5
- Excellent #100392
What this person failed to mention was this family used another funeral home to pick up their mother and deliver their mother all prepared to barnes- sorrentino without permission from staff to rent our chapel. We don't rent our chapel due to the fact that we would be taking away chapel space from the families we serve. When this was told to the family they got nasty and belligerent. This was due to the drinking of alcohol that was consumed before they came to the f.h. They were nasty drunks. No family in all the years has ever conducted themselves with such low class behavior in this funeral home. I'm sure their mother would have been ashamed of them. Every family that steps into this f.h. Is treated with respect and dignity. We pride ourselves in making people feel at home and comfortable under the worst circumstances of their lives. We are in business since 1960 and have been very successfuland we will Not accept drunks to soil a good reputation that took years to establish. Had this family decided to use our services or used the facilities of the funeral home they contracted with this whole situation could have been avoided. We will not take away from our loyal families to give to people that are not loyal to their community and the people who support it
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Reviewed February 9, 2009 00:57
Review rating 1
- Terrible #100391
While fighting a horrible battle with pancreatic cancer, my Mom told us that it was her wish to be laid out at Barne's & Sorrentino when she passed. On the day of my mother's death, there were a couple of issues that needed to be addressed with Barnes & Sorrentino, so my sister and I went to the funeral home while our Mom was being picked up from her home, where she had passed away. A senior member of the staff at Barnes & Sorrentino stopped us at the door, started yelling at us about the issues that needed to be addressed, and advanced towards my sister in a very threatening manner. He called me a "wise a**" and told us, "Forget it, it's off! You can't use our place." All this while our Mom's body was in a car in the parking lot. Needless to say, our Mom was laid out at a nearby funeral home where she and we were treated with respect and compassion. This was a horrible experience and I would urge everyone to avoid this funeral home at all costs.
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