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Balducci Auto Repair

Overall Rating 1
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329 Post Ave, Westbury, NY 11590, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7610008°
Longitude: -73.5877319°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-997-6977

Map of the Balducci Auto Repair in Westbury City

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Reviews to Balducci Auto Repair

Reviewed March 30, 2011 01:21
Review rating 1
- Terrible #105737
In Feb, 2011, I brought my vehicle in for installation of new brake pads and rotors (all purchased previously by me). All he had to do was supply the labor. Robert Balducci tried to charge me $957 claiming squirrels ate the wiring under the hood and that I needed a new battery. I ended up paying $700 cash. When I asked for the old battery back, he claimed he didn't have it. He told me it was against the law to give me back the old battery and that he had to pay a dumping fee. He charged me $180 for a new battery that I probably didn't even need. Don't bring your vehicle to this lying thief. Buyer Beware! He's a rip off. I had another mechanic check to see if there were any new wires installed underneath the hood. He said no new wires were installed and SQUIRRELS DON'T EAT WIRES!
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