Totally rip-off. Firstly they came late yesterday to my apartment in 2 Horatio street, after assigned 3 hour time slot, didn't called before.
AC was already dismantled on the floor, so no work around that, everything easy, I showed the problem with wire, they accidentally tore off the wire completely (now AC doesn't work at all, before at least fan was blowing, but not cooling), they said that can't fix wire, don't do such works, that I need to find someone else. Said that could change whole control panel for 400 USD and it will take a week or so. But it was excessive heat during these days in Manhattan, as it is always in July, even an idea to stay without an AC for week drove us crazy. And I could buy the same AC for 200 USD in Craigslist already today. So they spent here 2 min, took 97 USD service charge (which was higher than they said before on the phone) just for coming in and finishing my sick AC and left. No good. I imagine how many other clients they rip-off this way every day. Such a shame LG Customer Service suggested this company, I though they gonna be good guys. Don't trust them, folks!