Get Started Right Away First Visit in 24-48 Hours
We Speak Your Language English, Spanish, Tagalog, Korean, Bengali
Most Insurance Accepted We Verify Benefits Before You Start
Are Daily
Tasks Becoming a Challenge Due to Pain?
Are Daily
Tasks Becoming a Challenge Due to Pain?
You'll Receive a Private, Thorough
Initial Evaluation
You’ll Feel Empowered with a
Clear Plan for Recovery
You'll Experience Personalized Guidance
& Pain Relief
You’ll Improve Your Mobility,
Strength, and Independence
We appreciate that pain can make you anxious, uncomfortable, and you might be uncertain about how we can help.
Here’s Why You Should Consider Us:
Dr. Richard Seldes, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Matthew Spiegel, MD, Pain Management
Resilient Care Physical Therapy | |||
Resilient Care Physical Therapy | |||
Resilient Care Physical Therapy
Immediate Appointments Available | Yes | No | No |
Small, Warm, Caring & Compassionate Clinic | Yes | No | No |
Medical Doctors Available | Yes | No | Maybe |
Hands-On Treatment Every Visit | Yes | No | Maybe |
Female or Male Therapist Preference | Yes | Maybe | Maybe |
Doctoral & Advanced Trained Physical Therapists | Yes | Maybe | Maybe |
Orthopedic & Arthritis Specialists | Yes | Maybe | Maybe |
Pediatric Physical Therapy | Yes | No | Maybe |
Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury Experts | Yes | No | Maybe |
Multilingual Practice English, Tagalog, Spanish, Korean, & Bengali | Yes | Maybe | Maybe |
Saturday Appointments Available | Yes | No | Maybe |
Woman-Owned Private Practice | Yes | No | No |
Certified Clinical Instructors | Yes | No | No |
Resilient Care Physical Therapy | |
Immediate Appointments Available: | Yes |
Small, Warm, Caring & Compassionate Clinic: | Yes |
Large Facility Serving The Area Since 1985: | Yes |
Hands-On Treatment Every Visit: | Yes |
Female or Male Therapist Preference: | Yes |
Doctoral & Advanced Trained Physical Therapists: | Yes |
Orthopedic & Arthritis Specialists: | Yes |
Pediatric Physical Therapy: | Yes |
Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury Experts: | Yes |
Multilingual Practice English, Tagalog, Spanish, Korean, & Bengali: | Yes |
Saturday Appointments Available: | Yes |
Woman-Owned Private Practice: | Yes |
Certified Clinical Instructors: | Yes |
Immediate Appointments Available: | No |
Small, Warm, Caring & Compassionate Clinic: | No |
Large Facility Serving The Area Since 1985: | No |
Hands-On Treatment Every Visit: | No |
Female or Male Therapist Preference: | Maybe |
Doctoral & Advanced Trained Physical Therapists: | Maybe |
Orthopedic & Arthritis Specialists: | Maybe |
Pediatric Physical Therapy: | No |
Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury Experts: | No |
Multilingual Practice English, Tagalog, Spanish, Korean, & Bengali: | Maybe |
Saturday Appointments Available: | No |
Woman-Owned Private Practice: | No |
Certified Clinical Instructors: | No |
Immediate Appointments Available: | No |
Small, Warm, Caring & Compassionate Clinic: | No |
Large Facility Serving The Area Since 1985: | Maybe |
Hands-On Treatment Every Visit: | Maybe |
Female or Male Therapist Preference: | Maybe |
Doctoral & Advanced Trained Physical Therapists: | Maybe |
Orthopedic & Arthritis Specialists: | Maybe |
Pediatric Physical Therapy: | Maybe |
Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury Experts: | Maybe |
Multilingual Practice English, Tagalog, Spanish, Korean, & Bengali: | Maybe |
Saturday Appointments Available: | Maybe |
Woman-Owned Private Practice: | No |
Certified Clinical Instructors: | No |