Mind-Body Psychotherapy

For Adults, Children, and Adolescents

What makes our group unique?
We share a focus on experiential, interactive therapy. In addition to the usual elements of therapy—emotions, thoughts, beliefs, behavior—we include the world of the body and the senses.

What is happening in the body, in the here and now? How is the nervous system responding to the environment?

At Mindful Therapy Brooklyn, we help you build awareness of yourself—your emotions, thought, and beliefs—and how you experience them through your body. We also share a focus on attachment in relationships. Whether we’re working with children, teens, or adults, we understand that a person’s attachment history profoundly affects how they perceive self, others, relationships, and the world around them.


What makes our group unique? We share a focus on experiential psychotherapy. This means that in addition to the usual elements of therapy—emotions, thoughts, beliefs, behavior—we include the sensory world. What is happening in the body, in the here and now? How is the nervous system responding to the environment? And we share a focus on attachment. Whether we’re working with children, teens, or adults, we understand that a person’s attachment history profoundly affects how they perceive self, relationships, and the world around them.

Children and Parents

Every family is different, and we shape our approach to the unique needs of the family. Many children (and parents) need help developing greater tolerance for frustration, transitions, and stress, and this is where we begin. Usually, our sessions are active and playful. When we work with children, we also work with parents.

Adult Individuals

We work with adults of all ages, backgrounds, and identities. Many of our clients have had early childhood trauma experiences that ruptured their sense of safety and security.