Plastic Surgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Microsurgery, Cosmetic Surgery and
Hand Surgery in New York City

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David T.W. Chiu, M.D., F.A.C.S, FAAP

David T.W. Chiu, M.D., F.A.C.S is a world renowned plastic surgeon. He has been cited by his peers as the best in America in Microsurgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery continuously since 2001. His endeavors in surgical research have led to invention of the Autogenous Venous Nerve Conduit Technique, a method for reconnecting severed or critically damaged nerves using patients own tissue as the medium. He was honored with Hanno Millesi award for his significant contribution in Nerve Regeneration in 2013 and was only second American to receive such an International honor.

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Dr. David Chiu



A life of giving makes for worthwhile living, you always find the time to open your heart, your arms, and your life to those in need. You’re admired because you care about those that you help! Words cannot express how grateful my parents and I are to have met a miracle worker like you! Thank you Dr. Chiu for giving me a thumbs!

– De Franco Family

Thank you for easing the sadness and sorrow from our hearts your caring and expertise in Saving our son’s arm will be engraved in our hearts Forever!

– Catalfamo Family

Dear Dr. Chiu, at this time of my commencement from the occupational therapy program at Salus University I stand back and reflect. I reflect on where my journey began and what brought me to choose occupational/ hand therapy as my choice profession. I thank all to those that helped me to this final day and I thank You Dr.Chiu for affording me the opportunity to be physically able to fulfill my dream of becoming an occupational therapist and helping people in similar situations to my own. I thank you for making my arm pain free and as maximally productive as possible to be able to fabricate splints, perform manual massage, administer therapeutic exercises so I can facilitate optimum participation in ADLs in my patients. My biggest expression of thanks is that I now lead a rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling life using my arm to its fullest, despite all ints musculoskeletal variations and changes, because I know that you, Dr. Chiu did your best and continue to do your utmost to heal me. Much admiration and appreciation,

-Alta Fried

Dear Dr. Chiu, at this time of my commencement from the occupational therapy program at Salus University I stand back and reflect. I reflect on where my journey began and what brought me to choose occupational/ hand therapy as my choice profession. I thank all to those that helped me to this final day and I thank You Dr.Chiu for affording me the opportunity to be physically able to fulfill my dream of becoming an occupational therapist and helping people in similar situations to my own. I thank you for making my arm pain free and as maximally productive as possible to be able to fabricate splints, perform manual massage, administer therapeutic exercises so I can facilitate optimum participation in ADLs in my patients. My biggest expression of thanks is that I now lead a rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling life using my arm to its fullest, despite all ints musculoskeletal variations and changes, because I know that you, Dr. Chiu did your best and continue to do your utmost to heal me. Much admiration and appreciation,
A life of giving makes for worthwhile living, you always find the time to open your heart, your arms, and your life to those in need. You’re admired because you care about those that you help! Words cannot express how grateful my parents and I are to have met a miracle worker like you! Thank you Dr. Chiu for giving me a thumbs!
Thank you for easing the sadness and sorrow from our hearts your caring and expertise in Saving our son’s arm will be engraved in our hearts Forever!
Dear Dr. Chiu, at this time of my commencement from the occupational therapy program at Salus University I stand back and reflect. I reflect on where my journey began and what brought me to choose occupational/ hand therapy as my choice profession. I thank all to those that helped me to this final day and I thank You Dr.Chiu for affording me the opportunity to be physically able to fulfill my dream of becoming an occupational therapist and helping people in similar situations to my own. I thank you for making my arm pain free and as maximally productive as possible to be able to fabricate splints, perform manual massage, administer therapeutic exercises so I can facilitate optimum participation in ADLs in my patients. My biggest expression of thanks is that I now lead a rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling life using my arm to its fullest, despite all ints musculoskeletal variations and changes, because I know that you, Dr. Chiu did your best and continue to do your utmost to heal me. Much admiration and appreciation,
A life of giving makes for worthwhile living, you always find the time to open your heart, your arms, and your life to those in need. You’re admired because you care about those that you help! Words cannot express how grateful my parents and I are to have met a miracle worker like you! Thank you Dr. Chiu for giving me a thumbs!

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