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Dedicated to serving the needs of the injured and disabled.

Our practice concentrates in the areas of workers’ compensation, social security disability, retirement disability benefits, construction accidents, 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund claims, trusts & estates, and, employer services. Chase Sensale’s team of experienced professionals is always there for you.

Every client is treated with the respect they deserve.

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BOLO |Be On The Lookout

This week, please read about these current issues directly impacting law enforcement in the state of New York:

Bolo: covid-19


Bolo: covid-19

A first responder’s guide

Bolo: covid-19


Bolo: covid-19

A first responder’s guide

Urge Congress to Fully Fund the World Trade Center Health Program by Passing H.R.1294/S.569

Urge Congress to Fully Fund the World Trade Center Health Program by Passing H.R.1294/S.569

Congress must pass the ‘9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding and Correction Act’ [H.R.1294/S.569] — this legislation will direct the World Trade Center Health Program to be funded fully. Budgetary constraints and increasing medical costs predicate the urgent need for passage of this legislation.

Without such legislation, those now applying for WTC Health Program benefits may be denied entry into the Program , including those involved in the simultaneous attack on the Pentagon, and, those already part of the Program run the risk of diminished services.

Contacting your Congressional representatives and compelling them to co-sponsor this legislation, known as the ‘9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding and Correction Act,’ will help to ensure the Program remains fully funded; if your representatives have already engaged this legislation, this is the opportunity to thank them for their support.

You may contact your Congressional representatives by following these instructions:

1.  Go to

2.  Type in your address. It will tell you who your Members of Congress are, and whether they are cosponsors of the bill.

3.  From there, you can type in your phone number, and they will call you and connect you to your Representative, free of charge, so you can talk to their staff and tell them you want their boss to cosponsor this important legislation.

You can also find out more on this issue at by visiting the Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act Inc. website and sign up for updates on this issue and the progress of the legislation here.

Do not hesitate to share this post with all 911 responders, survivors and friends.

Much obliged for your efforts with respect to this absolutely-essential legislation.

Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Our Response to the
COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is disrupting almost every part of our lives. In addition to fears for your health and loved ones, you may have critical questions about your rights related to various types of disability benefits.
Despite delays from every administrative agency, The Chase Sensale Law Group, L.L.P. continues to provide uninterrupted services during these unprecedented times.