"JAMMER" Featured in NJ.com

    Tom Surowiec, owner of R.E.D. Products and creator of The Jammer, has been featured in many media outlets including The Jersey Journal, Fire Fighter Nation, and 1st Responders Newspaper. Click Read More below or the image above to see a full list of articles and websites that The Jammer has been featured in.

  • Headlines

    The Jammer was in attendence at the 2013 New Jersey Narcotics Training Conference from June 10-14, 2013. The conference is ran by the New Jersey Narcotic Enforcement Officer’s Association and its co hosted by the County Narcotics Commanders Association of New Jersey and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network.

  • APRIL 2013


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  • 12 July 2012

    Sed mauris odio dictum non.

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  • 12 July 2012

    Sed mauris odio, dictum non molli squis sollicitudin quis nisi.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt fringilla suscipit. Praesent dapibus risus mauris. Cras libero nun

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"THE JAMMER" on the force, home, and work place.

  • Fire Department

    Our goal here at R.E.D. Products is to distribute assests that can help save lives. The Jammer is a proven and useful tool to prevent doors closing behind fire fighters when entering an unstable environment. Check out our Jammer promotional video here for an in depth look on how The Jammer is a must have tool in any tactical kit.

  • Medical Professionals

    The Jammer can be a valuable assest for any profession dealing with the emergency response. Emergency Medical Technicians are often first responders on an active scene and their safety is our number one priority. The Jammer can quickly identify the door you've entered and can be used as a marker for a room that has been cleared.

  • Police Department

    Here at R.E.D. Products, we know the value of having all the right tools for the job. Officers can not always rely on materials onsite to ensure creating a safe and secure scene. The Jammer was designed and molded to help law enforcement officers enter a building and prop open any hinged door behind them. This is just one of many useful way to use The Jammer.

  • Fire Department

    Our goal here at R.E.D. Products is to distribute assests that can help save lives. The Jammer is a proven and useful tool to prevent doors closing behind fire fighters when entering an unstable environment. Check out our Jammer promotional video here for an in depth look on how The Jammer is a must have tool in any tactical kit.