Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy
Physical Therapist with Hands-On Experience

Dynamic rehab PT

Specialized Care Towards Recovery


​Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy

We are providing you with one-on-one treatment programs, which emphasize personal supervision not available at large institutions and health clubs.

Realizing that we all demand the most from our bodies, in the work place, in our recreational activities and in our daily lives, individualized treatment programs are created. ​Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy strives to treat more than just the injury by understanding how lifestyle and living environment impact our bodies.  This individualized caring approach creates a results-driven attitude that accelerates healing and promotes optimal healthy living.

We are devoted to offering the highest quality Physical Therapy services available. We offer various services and treatments to treat many common conditions. Our goal is to help restore and enhance you to your pre-injury level of physical activity, flexibility and ease of movement, while developing the skills necessary to prevent the re-occurrence of injury.




Robert Aranbaev, DPT

18 World Fairs Drive | Somerset, NJ 08873

575 Kent Place | Linden, NJ 07036


Dr. Robert Aranbaev | robertdpt@aol.com |

Phone: 732. 469.5300 Fax: 800-917-7162


Anatoli Yoshovayev, DPT

47 Orient Way, Rutherford , NJ 07070


Dr. Anatoli Yoshovayev | Anatolidpt@gmail.com | 973.910.0307


Areas of Practice


Do you have frustrating problems like muscle pain or restricted movements? These are common problems for many people today — and there’s great news: manual physical therapy can help in a totally non-invasive way. Many patients who have tried to cope with their pain and motion problems

Active Release Technique

At Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy, we often treat overuse injuries that occur over time from repetitive motions.

We employ Active Release Techniques® (ART), which combines a massage-based procedure with specific movements that vary based on the affected area..


You have hundreds of joints in your body, which come in a variety of types and sizes (such as a “hinge joint” in your elbow, a “ball and socket joint” in your hip, or a “saddle joint” in your thumb). Joints, formed by the articulating surfaces of two or more bones, depend on a combination of

Cupping Therapy

The startup and small business marketplace is still a new and fierce frontier that requires legal advice from attorneys who are deeply entrenched in the particularities of venture financing. Our firm gives you an holistic approach, so your company can get the best competitive advantage.


When you consult with a physical therapist, you can expect to receive a combination of physical therapy services that are either active (where you, as the patient, perform specific tasks) or passive (where treatment focuses on you receiving care rather than you participating in it).




Our Mission

Dynamic Rehabilation is a privately owned and operated outpatient physical therapy center specializing in musculoskeletal conditions with an orthopedic manual therapy approach combining manual therapy techniques with specific exercises, stretches, and pain relieving modalities.

Our mission is to provide the highest level of care by combining competence, compassion, and good old-fashioned "hard work." At Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy, we believe that equipment alone does not make people better. The intelligent use of education, research and technology, coupled with a home exercise program to fit each individuals' need is the backbone of our success. Our goal is for our patients to not only recover, but to prevent future re-injury and obtain an optimal quality of life.